
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Building firefox code base on windows: long process but worthwhile..

I have always been a firefox fan...right from the start...It always kept me wondering what makes this good piece of software work so well until I downloaded the source code and built it on my own..
I required the following:
1> Visual Studia 2010
2> Directx
3> Msys
4> Windows SDK

You can download the source code from the mozilla website..Once you are done with that ..
You can get all the detatils from the website on how to build the code .

I had a simple problem...the Python path problem..
I had installed Python earlier and the build tool uses the Python embedded in the Msys...
Once I removed the original Python path from my environment variables and replaced with that of the Msys ..It was all done..

The final part of build process gives you a firefox nightly .although it takes about 4 hours in my core 2 duo machine...Its such a neat and nice would love it..

Thanks to the firefox team ...and all the supporters :)) 

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