
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Amazing Python...comes here. all ..
                  Well I have been programming in python for almost 2 years.But as it goes on, it has not only proved efficient but also very easy to pick up language. Hats all the guys involved in making this wonderful language. 
                           One thing I have seen over these years is that there has been a tremendous amount of interest  as well as contribution from all across the globe.Libraries have been  updated and many more modules are included in the latest release.

Graphics in python..
  One noticeable fact of Python is its easiness in graphics programming. The graphics libraries are extremely rich and very much easy to use. Compared to C++ , I would rather say that it is much easier to program in python. And even when compared to Java, for its natural AWT libraries, I would rather pick the normal ws widget libs which though a bit premature compared to the former, is easier in a lot more ways. But yes, it is still to have  somthing like Applets which can set its mark of crown.

Growth and application in real time projects..
 Being open source in its nature, naturally it falls in line of those offering open source products. To name a few, Google is the best example. It employs very large scale implementations in its core of  search applications. Even the newbie start ups like Quora makes a heavy  use of python in its noble endeavours. 
 Not only in these fronts, lot more python based products are coming up in the industry , including mail servers, 3d game engine etc. 

Application in maths and science using python is increasingly becoming popular in many institutions, including the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

 The python community involves many contributors around the globe. It is maintained by the PSF or the Python Software Foundation( and amazingly all are welcome to visit this site either its for tutorial or contributing to this great organisation.
 Once again, its open source so everyone's invited.


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