
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Erlang on Linux: Configuration and Installation

Erlang is a fast growing language and is used in many key applications. Being concurrent and is used in many applications where multiple service are required simultaneously. 
It can be installed on linux via it package 
simply from the terminal using : sudo apt-get install erlang

I did using the source file from the erlang site.
The following steps made me complete the installation:

1>download the tar file.
2> cd to the folder and unzip it.
3> go the unzipped folder.
4> Now, Erlang needs some other files to fully complete installations and generate documentations.
  So the following steps needs to be done:
  • sudo apt­-get install fop 
  • sudo apt­-get install libncurses-5­-dev
  • sudo apt­-get install openjdk­6­-jdk
  • sudo apt­-get install unixodbc-­dev
  • sudo apt­-get install g++
  • sudo apt­-get install libssl­-dev
Still, Erlang requires wx libraries so we will do the following:
  • sudo apt­-get install libwxbase2.8
  • sudo apt­-get install libwxgtk2.8­dev
  • sudo apt­-get install libqt4­opengl­dev
  • sudo apt­-get install libgtk2.0­dev
Now, we are ready to go...
  1. cd to unzipped folder.
  2. Type: ./configure
  3. Type: make
  4. Type: sudo make install
And there it will be....your Erlang ready to goo....
Test it by typing in the terminal..
It will print: 11
which erl
This is supposed to give : /usr/local/bin/erl
....So happy coding...Cheers...

...If there is any problem...let me know.. lets solve it together...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Boot problem in Ubuntu dual boot os: Solved

I had been using Ubuntu for quite a long time. Sometimes, problems arise as such like:
  •  Windows cannot boot.
  • or Ubuntu cannot boot.
Solving this problem is easy: however it requires you to have:
  • Internet connection.
  • Ubuntu live cd or bootable pendrive.
Now lets go through how we could solve this using a software:
  1. Boot from the pendrive or cd.
  2. Use the Try Ubuntu mode on first page.
  3. Connect to the net
  4. Open the terminal using ctrl+alt+t and do the following steps:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)
Now a window will pop up after installation and it will give you the options. Choose whichever is appropriate and it will solve the problem.
It also provides link to the error log file from where you can know more of the problem or ask the community about it.

.......So don't worry next time...just do the steps listed above...If it does not solve ...leave a comment here..lets see to it..

How to create a bootable USB pendrive in Linux

If it was windows, it would be much easier ...for we have the universal USB installer. In Linux, we can't use that: however, we need not worry, guys have done a great job by creating a much easier tool to do the work.

The tool is called gparted. It is a nice GUI tool to do our work. So lets see how we shall do it.

>Open the terminal .

>Now type: sudo apt-get install gparted
......This will install the tool ...well and good if you had it from before.

>Now type: sudo apt-get install-3g( gparted installed this as default for me...just see if it did for you).

>Now open the tool via: System>Administration>Gparted Partition Tool

>Now you are almost done....Click the File and choose the drive for the particular USB.

>Right click on the drive when it is enlisted. See Manage Flag menu and click to enable boot.

>Now go to Partition menu at the top panel and format the drive as ntfs . This will keep the work as pending operation the correct sign above to start the operation...It will be done in a moment..

>Just  unplug and plug in the pendrive once and do the last step.

> Now you can just decompress the win7.iso file to your pendrive ...and it is bootable right away..

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to find the difference between two files from windows shell

Well I was just wondering how could I see the difference between two files in windows.
Searching the net, I saw some softwares  that would do the job for me..But I wanted simple and fast not so sophisticated ...

I found out we could do using a simple tool...fc..from the DOS prompt.
FC is a command to view the difference of two files or set of files..
So the steps are:
1> go the directory where the files are..
 fc first-filename second-filename
....and there you go..You will get the result each different section divided by line of stars..
...Its simple ...right??
I love it....The following explains the full usage method

FC [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename [/A][/C][/L][/Lb n] [/N][/T][/W][/(number)]

for binary comparisons
FC [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename [/B][/number] 

FC reports differences between the two files you specify. FC first displays the name of the first file to compare. Next, it displays the lines that differ between the two files. Next, it displays the first line that matches in the two files. FC next displays the name of the second file, followed by the lines that are different followed by the first line that matches.

The FC command requires enough system memory (RAM) to compare 100 lines. If system memory is limited, FC will make comparisons between the number of lines that can fit into available memory. Be careful of this!.


- Instead of displaying all the lines that do not match (in an ASCII comparison), the program displays only the lines that begin and end each set of differences.

/B - Used for a binary comparison of files. The files are compared byte-by-byte. Mismatches are displayed as a relative address from the beginning of the file. Unless you specify the /L switch, the program will automatically assume you want to use this type of comparison when the compared files have a .COM, .EXE, .SYS, .BIN, .OBJ, or .LIB filename extension.

/C - Ignores the case of letters in the compared files. All letters are considered as upper case.

/L - Used for an ASCII comparison of files. Unless you specify the /B switch, the program will automatically assume you want to use this type of comparison for all files that do not have a .COM, .EXE, .SYS, .BIN, .OBJ, or .LIB filename extension.

/Lbn - Sets the line buffer to n number of lines. The amount of memory used for holding lines being compared is normally enough to store about 100 lines. Use this option to reset the buffer (memory space) to n lines. If more than this number of consecutive lines is found to differ, the program will terminate the comparison and display an error message.

/N - Used to turn on the display of line numbers while carrying out an ASCII comparison.

/T - Turn off the display of tabs as spaces in an eight column display format.

/W - Compresses tabs and spaces during the comparison.

/(number) - The number of lines that must match after the program finds a difference between the compared files (if fewer lines match, the matching lines are displayed as differences). If you do not use this option, the number of lines to match between the files is two.


To compare the text file A.html with the file B.html on drive D 

 type and press return key the following..

fc /l A.html D:B.html
for binary comparison of the files A.EXE and B.EXE, enter
fc /b B.exe A.exe

.....................................I hope this helps..
way to gooo...

GIT : Terminal help you..and us..


Ctrl + AGo to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + EGo to the end of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + LClears the Screen
Command + KClears the Screen
Ctrl + UClears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line.
Ctrl + HSame as backspace
Ctrl + RLets you search through previously used commands
Ctrl + CKill whatever you are running
Ctrl + DExit the current shell
Ctrl + ZPuts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it.
Ctrl + WDelete the word before the cursor
Ctrl + KClear the line after the cursor
Ctrl + TSwap the last two characters before the cursor
Esc + TSwap the last two words before the cursor
Alt + FMove cursor forward one word on the current line
Alt + BMove cursor backward one word on the current line
TabAuto-complete files and folder names


cdHome directory
cd [folder]Change directory
cd ~Home directory, e.g. ‘cd ~/folder/’
cd /Root of drive
lsShort listing
ls -lLong listing
ls -aListing incl. hidden files
ls -lhLong listing with Human readable file sizes
ls -REntire content of folder recursively
sudo [command]Run command with the security privileges of the superuser (Super User DO)
open [file]Opens a file ( as if you double clicked it )
topDisplays active processes. Press q to quit
nano [file]Opens the Terminal it’s editor
pico [file]Opens the Terminal it’s editor
clearClear screen


history nShows the stuff typed – add a number to limit the last n items
ctrl-rInteractively search through previously typed commands
![value]Execute the last command typed that starts with ‘value’
!!Execute the last command typed


touch [file]Create new file
pwdFull path to working directory
..Parent/enclosing directory, e.g.
‘ls -l ..’ = Long listing of parent directory
‘cd ../../’ = Move 2 levels up
.Current folder
catConcatenate to screen
rm [file]Remove a file, e.g. rm [file] [file]
rm -i [file]Remove with confirmation
rm -r [dir]Remove a directory and contents
rm -f [file]Force removal without confirmation
rm -i [file]Will display prompt before
cp [file] [newfile]Copy file to file
cp [file] [dir]Copy file to directory
mv [file] [new filename]Move/Rename, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir]


mkdir [dir]Create new directory
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir]Create nested directories
rmdir [dir]Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories )
rm -R [dir]Remove directory and contents

PIPES – Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output

moreOutput content delivered in screensize chunks
> [file]Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten
>> [file]Append output to existing file
<Tell command to read content from a fi


[command] -hOffers help
[command] —helpOffers help
[command] helpOffers help
resetResets the terminal display
man [command]Show the help for ‘command’
whatis [command]Gives a one-line description of ‘command’

Macbuntu theme destroyed my Ubuntu

I have been using Linux on my PC using dual boot. This time I was using Ubuntu 11.10 ultimate edition. 
As like many windows users ..I have been tempted my Mac-OS..and I have been using Mac theme for my PC too..
Recently I got too ambitious and I went on to install Macbuntu theme for my Linux ...(I thought I could be satisfied than I did on my windows)...Lo....During installation ...It got too complex...many downloads...and that too ...unverified.....
After it was half way through ..the system tray could be seen...but it was not functioning at all...
.....It was going too frustrating I did a force shut down...(It was the last time I could see my GUI ...)...After this, I could never go back to the gui...All it was left was the tty..(and what much could we do in there..??)..
I am careful now..I won't install any theme again...  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Linking to a hosted Cloud JQuery library is better than localized link: The Reasons

Well, we all know what and how JQuery has revolutionized the UI design and development of websites and web applications. Given its robustness for browser support, familiar syntax ,built-in animations and  not impact content gives it immense credibility and avenues for use in many great applications..
In its development novice developers sometimes makes the mistake of linking the lib from their own local site..However this is wrong ..which I can say confidently at least for the case of deployment of your app.
The reason is:

Using Cloud Scripts Keeps Your Pages Fast
Linking to script libraries such as jQuery from an internet location
 (such as in the HTML here) is a way of using a content delivery network (CDN). When many developers link to the same location for
a script, that script is more likely to be cached by your readers and load more
quickly. Also, your browser may have a limit of as few as two connections to a
specific host name at once, so this sends a request to a separate domain,
increasing the speed.

As jQuery's popularity has grown, companies have made the file freely available
through their Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). 
Most notably:
 Google : link
 and Microsoft : link 
 offer the file on powerful, low-latency servers distributed around the world for fast download regardless of the user's location
..................................................If you just trying for local development could have it in your own machine...maybe..that will save when you don't have net connection... happy coding...and cheers..
way to goo..

Monday, May 27, 2013

Android Studio Windows installation problem solved.

Well..It has been almost fascinating to try the new IntelliJ IDEA  based android IDE on my windows machine. It has been not been working since I installed it.
I followed all the Stackoverflow and other blogs....regarding my problem...
My problem was:
 >I was using JDK 1.6.21...which probably was too old for the studio to get up with.
>I did not add the JDK_HOME...
............I downloaded the new latest version of JDK and finally got the nice new thing running..
So,,update your system and don't forget to add the JDK _HOME directory to the system path....Its gonna be all ok then..
way to goo...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

MongoDB: Setting up and basic operations

Lets talk about some starting points of the mongoDB..
First..installation is easy as easiest:
>Just go to the Mongo site and download the whichever package is needed for your system. Though it is recommended to work with th 64 bit version for production ..fear not you can do with any package that suits your system..remember...the version with the even no. in the middle means the stable release for the time.

> Now extract the compressed filed and create a folder in a location of your choice. In the uncompressed folder..there will be bin folder..copy all its content to the folder you just created...And there it is the starting point for working on  mongodb.

> When you have done all the above ...just open the command shell and go to the directory and type mongod...the mongo shell daemon. and it will start the mongo server.
> You can type db( It is the command which you will use in every operation for it starting point for every command). This will print test...which is the default collection every mongo shell contains for the first time.
...Now you can open another command shell and type mongo ...this will start shell  where you can start doing your work for all operations...

                      Way to goo....

Saturday, May 25, 2013

MongoDB: The pioneer of NoSQL....Easy and really quick to learn..

I just signed up for 10gen free class on MongoDB...and wow..its so easy and interesting to follow.
I wondered what was all this buzz about NoSQL...but seeing it and coding it on my own has really made me believe that it is going to grow larger and more effective over the years to come.
One thing that sets this new trend apart from others is its ability integrate easily with the client code: It can be just accessed from the code using the OOP approach that we are all accustomed to( I mean if you had been programming!)..

Its schemaless ..meaning it does away with all those CRUD statements that we all use for RDBMS..though it has an adequate means of addressing all of that through a simple syntax and various APIs it provide for the same. One thing that it is critical about is the lack of:
>and Joins
Still it has enough for all the uses it is meant for..where you would really have to do a big maintenance of bank accounts spanning over many countries...say in a web app or say a large database oriented projects involving many entries having the need for dynamic updates: it can do and I would say it can fairly do all that in a neat and nice little piece of code.

A nice feature I am impressed is the ability to hold entries of multiple and inconsistent columns in one collection..that would be impossible in RDBMS .
Thumbs up to the team Mongo and all those maintaining the class.

The Great Gatsby: Great film ...wonderful course of hope..idea of life and struggle

Last saturday, I went for the movie of the year: The Great Gatsby.
It was such a nice movie...Leonardo and Tobey has done a tremendous acting together.
The struggle of a man  trying to reconquer his love..."trying to change the past for his present"...
I really love this movie..for it portrays a man trying all his ways to get his love and doing everything for the sake of his love..
The movie also portrays a materialistic mindset of the woman he loves who fails to appreciate his love and reciprocate or say understand whats beyond the truth and what odds her lover has taken for her.
All and all ..It was a nice one...definitely worth watching

Building firefox code base on windows: long process but worthwhile..

I have always been a firefox fan...right from the start...It always kept me wondering what makes this good piece of software work so well until I downloaded the source code and built it on my own..
I required the following:
1> Visual Studia 2010
2> Directx
3> Msys
4> Windows SDK

You can download the source code from the mozilla website..Once you are done with that ..
You can get all the detatils from the website on how to build the code .

I had a simple problem...the Python path problem..
I had installed Python earlier and the build tool uses the Python embedded in the Msys...
Once I removed the original Python path from my environment variables and replaced with that of the Msys ..It was all done..

The final part of build process gives you a firefox nightly .although it takes about 4 hours in my core 2 duo machine...Its such a neat and nice would love it..

Thanks to the firefox team ...and all the supporters :)) 

Blue Screen: Problem and the Solution

I have just recovered from the usual blue screen problem with my laptop. I just thought it was going to be an "All Over Thing" for my hard drive...So I went to hp repair store-( are stupid peoples ...commercials...having no knowledge nor commitment to solve problems.
I came back ...and did these simple things .

>Sanitized my hard drive through BIOS screen..
>Self tested the hard it was working for me ...(probably those guys don't know about).

Then I reinstalled my OS both Windows and I usually do..
Now Its working..all fine...only thing I miss are those files I lost...
I saved me huge..Those guys had told me to change my hard drive ...
Thank God...I didn't ..

Always test hard drive for error constantly and keep up the anti virus....

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu

I installed Google Chrome today. Its easy, I just followed the following steps:

1> Download the .rpm package from the google chrome site.

2> Once that is done to the directory where it is located.

3> Now, type: sudo dpkg -i google_chrome.rpm( replace google_chrome with the actual file name)

4> It may not be done...due to lack of certain do the following:
    type: sudo apt-get install -f

5> There you can get the chrome via launch it and do the nice works..

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ubuntu Problems solved for installing new softwares.

I had a problem in Ubuntu of not being able to install a software. It gave me the following errors:

E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
or like this one:
E: Malformed Description-md5 line; includes invalid character 'fc1f7600accbcc"07ef9954ba3306c14'
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened 

But it was an easy problem to solve:

The reasons for the problem arise from failed update attempt or may be when you try mess around with

Or may be you have too many sources in your repo,,,,that could also be a problem.
To solve this is simple,,just do the following steps:

1> Open the terminal with ctrl+alt+t;
2> Type: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf 
3> Now type: sudo apt-get update
This cure your pain...and once again your darling linux will be working fine.

If the said method does not solve try :

1>sudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists /var/lib/apt/lists-old
2>sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/apt/lists/partial
3>sudo apt-get update
Even when this does not work, try :
1>sudo apt-get clean
2>sudo apt-get update
Hope this helps....Leave a comment if it does not solve your problem...lets try on it... Cheers!!

