
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Machine Learning: Creating Efficient Intelligence

Advent of Machine Learning
 Artificial Intelligence has been used extensively in many applications over the last 3 decades. Areas of prime importance such as manufacturing, research, healthcare,finances and banking has been using AI on an extensive and intensive basis. 
    Over the recent years, researches has been conducted on the sidelines of AI to make its application much more productive. Things such as Data Mining popped up following the internet explosion and took a very pleasing growth proving its use in industrial scale applications. 
    One question has though  been asked since its inception:"Whether the machine themselves can be made to learn on its own?". This lead the researchers to conceive the idea of "Machine Learning",where the machine itself will learn from its own experience and derive appropriate action for a thing in future based on this, without having to write any program necessarily for the same. This almost seems to conjunct with the quest for building the ultimate the human-intelligent machine, but speculations are far from achieving that. 
Yet it may be said numerous application of machine learning has sprouted up today, powering many startups and giving invaluable services to many firms which would have been otherwise financially so burdening and time consuming.
Start ups like Predilytics are using machine learning algorithms to help the healthcare industry with its large data dynamics. Not just that, even more fancier applications can be made with this technique to the extent of multiple voice recognition and individual partition. Recently a Forbes column wrote of using machine learning algorithms to automatically generate contents of a book. 
Powered by Moore's law obedient,ever increasing memory power industry and the advancement in the processing techonology makes Machine Learning a potent technology of the future. The demand end has also been impressive with todays industries involving a lot of analysis and planning, it could make its growth quickly as anticipated.
Where career is concerned, Machine learning has indeed been 
listed as top skill in demand of the current times(computer world).

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